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The Vietnam War was the longest war American had fought in. We got involved with the war in 1954 and it ended in 1973. 58,000 Americans were killed in the war and 2-3 million Vietnamese were killed as well.

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Q: What was the longest war that Unites States ever fought in?
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What happened in 1784 of the American revolution?

The Colonist's, (American's), fought for their right's and freedom's from the English Empire, (British). The French, due to their hatred of the English fought with the American's while the Hessian (German mercenaries) fought for the British. The indentured servants and slaves fought for both sides, more on the British side feeling the British to be the better, 'stronger team' to be on. The American's won, and that is how the 'great experiment' began. The Great experiment is the belief that 'man' could govern him/her self. This would be the first time ever in History that this was tried.

Has the us ever won a war in a foreign country while a republican president was in office?

The first Republican president was Abraham Lincoln. During his tenure, the Civil War was fought and won -- however, this was not a war in a foreign country. Since Lincoln, we have fought several other wars. The Spanish American war of 1898 was fought and won while Democratic president Grover Cleveland was in office. Democrat Woodrow Wilson was in office when the United States and other Entente powers won World War I. World War II was fought and won by two Democratic Presidents -- Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. The Korean War was fought under the tenure of Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower, but there is some dispute about whether that war was actually "won" and even if it is officially ended. The Vietnam War was fought under the oversight of Presidents Eisenhower (R), Kennedy (D), Johnson (D), Nixon (R) and Ford (R). It is widely accepted that this is also not a conflict that the United States "won". Now we come to perhaps your best bet of a Republican war that was "won" while the Republican was in office -- the first Persian Gulf War, fought during the administration of Republican George HW Bush.

Did pres Obama ever refer to the united state as having 57 states?

Nope -- that's silly.

Who is Winfield Scott?

Winfield Scott is arguably the greatest general America ever produced. He first came to command American force in the War of 1812 and finished his military career when he was removed from his position as General in Chief of the United States Military in the American Civil War. He was part of the United States Military from 1808 until 1861. He fought in every war the United States fought in during that time but his finest moment was in the Mexican-American War when he lead the American forces to Victory when all neutral observers believed the American attempts would ultimately end in failure. For his performance in the Mexican-American War he would get the accolaides of the world and was called the "greatest living soldier" by none other than the Duke of Wellington, the man who beat Napoleon at Waterloo.

What qualifications for holding any public office is forbidden?

No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.