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Q: American opposition to the war in Vietnam increased when Americans concluded that President Johnson had not been completely candid regarding the causes of U.S. military involvement in Vietnam. About w?
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American opposition to the war in Vietnam increased when Americans concluded that President Johnson had not been completely candid regarding the causes of US military involvement in Vietnam About w?

the naval conflict in the Gulf of Tonkin

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Opposition translated to being against HIM & and not supporting HIM...he burned out; and refused to be president any longer.

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It would not be possible for any president "to begin passing legislation" in the face of congressional opposition.

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Woodrow Wilson was the US president throughout the US involvement in WW I.

What did opposition to the Vietnam War prompt President Johnson to do?

Opposition to the Vietnam war caused President Lyndon Johnson to halt aerial bombing of the North Vietnamese and engage in peace talks instead of escalating the war.