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Acid donates a hydrogen ion, a proton, to a solution. H +

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Miller mixed gases together and added an electrical spark ,why was the spark required?

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14y ago
  • Acids give away its H+ ion
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13y ago

They donate a hydrogen ion (H+)

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Q: An acid is a molecule that donates what?
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What functional group can cause an organic molecule to act as an acid?

A carboxylic acid functional group (-COOH) can cause an organic molecule to act as an acid. It donates a proton (H+) in solution, making the molecule acidic.

When is the molecular weight of an acid the same as its equivalent weight?

The molecular weight of an acid is equal to its equivalent weight if the acid donates only one proton (H+ ion) per molecule. This is because the equivalent weight of an acid is the molecular weight divided by the number of protons it donates.

What happens in an acid based reaction according to Arrhenius definition?

An acid donates an H+, and a base donates an OH-.

What happens in a acid base reaction according to the Arrhenius definition?

An acid donates an H+ and a base donates an OH

What happens in an acid-based reaction according to the Arrhenius definition?

An acid donates an H+, and a base donates an OH-.

Why is oxalic acid acidic?

Because it donates one or (max.) two protons per molecule (H2C2O4) in water to any base or even to water molecules. This is the Bronsted definition of an acid: 'proton donator'.

What happens in a bronsted lowry acid-base reaction?

An acid donates an H+, and a base accepts an H+. - Apex

What is a true of an Arrhenius acid?

An Arrhenius acid donates H+ ions

What is true of a Arrhenius acid?

An Arrhenius acid donates H+ ions

Give an example of a monoprotic acid?

Monoprotic: HCl, CH3COOH (acetic acid)Diprotic: H2SO4, HOOCCOOH (oxalic acid)Triprotic: H3PO4, C3H4OH(COOH)3(citric acid)(All acidic protons are bold)

Is An acid a substance that donates protons?

Yes an acid is a proton donor....Bases are proton acceptors.

Why does a strong acid react differently in water than a strong base?

Depending on the type of acid/base (Arrhenius, Bronsted, Lewis), the acid donates protons and a base doesn't but accepts protons, or the base donates OH- and the acid doesn't, or the acid accepts a pair of electrons and the base donates a pair of electrons. They are just different, that's why.