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known as a golden age.

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Q: An age marked by great achievements is?
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What is an age marked by great achievements?

An age marked by great achievements is often referred to as a golden age. This period is characterized by significant advancements in areas such as art, culture, technology, and science. Golden ages are recognized for their lasting impact on society.

What achievements of the Neolithic age?

Some achievements of the Neolithic age include the development of agriculture, domestication of animals, creation of permanent settlements, and the invention of pottery. These advancements marked a shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a more settled, agriculture-based society.

Whag are the achievements of Paleolithic and neolithic age?

Paleolithic achievements include the development of tools like stone axes and the control of fire. Neolithic achievements include the transition to agriculture, domestication of animals, and the development of permanent settlements. These advancements marked major shifts in human society towards more complex and settled lifestyles.

What were some achievements new stone age?

Some achievements of the New Stone Age, or Neolithic period, include the development of agriculture, leading to settled communities and the domestication of animals. Additionally, advancements in pottery-making, weaving, and the construction of permanent dwellings were also notable accomplishments of this period. The Neolithic revolution marked a shift from a nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a more sedentary way of life.

What discovery marked the end of the neolithic age?

The discovery of metalworking marked the end of the Neolithic Age. This led to the beginning of the Bronze Age, as people started using metal tools and weapons instead of stone ones.