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tibialis anterior

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Q: An antagonist to the gastrocnemius is the?
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What is antagonist of the gastrocnemius?

I think it is the tibialis anterior

What muscle is an antagonist to the gastrocnemius?

i believe its tibialis anterior

What are the antagonistic and agonist muscles of the ankles?

You have gastrocnemius and soleus muscles on the back of the leg. They have common insertion in the form of tendocalcaneus. On the front side you have muscles of peroneal compartment to antagonize the calf muscles.

What is the antagonist of the tibialis anterior?

The antagonist of the tibialis anterior is the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. These muscles work in opposition to the tibialis anterior by plantarflexing the foot, pointing the toes downward, while the tibialis anterior dorsiflexes the foot, bringing the toes upward.

What muscle inserts on the calcaneus bone via the calcaneal tendon?

The gastrocnemius, soleus and peroneus longus muscles insert at the heel (calcaneus) by way of the Achilles (calcaneal) tendon.

What is the synergist muscle for the gastrocnemius?


What does the contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle usually result in?

type of contraction of gastrocnemius muscle?

What muscle is located directly beneath the gastrocnemius and has similar functions to gastrocnemius?

The soleus muscle is located directly beneath the gastrocnemius and also functions in plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle joint. Both muscles work together to help propel the body forward during walking or running.

Can you stand without the gastrocnemius muscle?

u cant stand without the gastrocnemius muscle.FAKE

Name of the Structure that joins the gastrocnemius to the calcaneus?

The Achilles tendon structure joins the gastrocnemius to the calcaneus.

What part of the body does the gastrocnemius move?

The gastrocnemius, the large muscle in the calf, flexes the knee and foot.

Is the soleus muscle superficial to the gastrocnemius?

No, the soleus muscle is deep to the gastrocnemius muscle in the lower leg.