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Q: What is effector muscle for calcaneal reflex action?
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In this reflex action the muscle acts as the ....?


How does effector relate to reflex arc?

An effector is at the end of a reflex arc as it is the muscle or gland that 'does' the reflex. What the effector does is the outcome of the reflex arc.

What is the effector muscle of a biceps reflex?

The effector muscle is the biceps brachii.

What is the receptor in pupillary reflex and the effector do both change simultaneously in pupillary reflex?

The receptor is the retina of the eye; smooth muscle of the iris is the effector. They both change simultaneously because the pupillary light reflex is contralateral.

A rapid simple automatic response that involves few neurons is?

A reflex action is a fast, automatic response to a stimulus by an effector organ i.e. a muscle.

What is a similarity between a reflex action and a voluntary action?

Both require motor neurones to carry the nerve impulse to the effector in order for the muscle to contract carry out an action.

Is an effector of a skeletal muscle a somatic reflex?

No its a humungus condom

What is the effector of the Achilles reflex?

gastrocnemius muscle

In the reflex arc a muscle or gland is considered to be the?

They are effectors as they bring about a response.

How would you assess the calcaneal reflex?

you can observe a calcaneal reflex by striking the calcaneal tendon with the blunt side of a rubber hammer the calcaneal tendon is right above the heal on the backside of the foot, you can feel it easily

What muscle is involved with the patellar reflex?

The quadriceps group of muscles. Rectus Femoris more specifically.

Is a effector are skeletal muscles a somatic reflex or a autonomic reflex?

Somatic reflex