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A reflex arc.

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Q: The sensory receptor sensory neuron motor neuron and effector involved in a reflex form a?
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What are the five parts of a reflex arc?

Summarized below are the 5 major components of the reflex arc: 1. Receptor 2. Afferent (sensory) neurons 3. Association neuron 4. Efferent (motor) neurons 5. Effector

What is the sequence of a typical reflex arc?

1. The receptor reacts to a stimulus. 2. The sensory neuron conducts the afferent impulses to the CNS. 3. The integration center consists of one or more synapses in the CNS. 4. The motor neuron conducts the efferent impulses from the integration center to an effector. 5. The effector, muscle fibers or glands, respond to the efferent impulses by contraction or secretion a product, respectively.

What is the flow of information in a spinal reflex arc in the correct order?

The reflex arc includes the sensory neuron (sensory intake) to the motor neuron (motor response). This two neuron arc is the fastest. Many times an interneuron at the level of the spinal cord is involved. It passes information to the brain more slowly. It is like an "incident report".

What are the three types of neurone involved in a reflex action?

The three types of neurons are sensory(afferant) neurons, interneurons, and motor(efferant) neurons. Sensory, or afferent, neurons send information from the receptor to the central nervouse system. Interneurons, found only in the central nervous system, play the role of interpretting the impulse. The motor, or efferent, neurons send the information from the central nervous system to the effector. Receptor->sensory neuron->interneuron->motor neuron->effector.

What is the correct order of components of a reflex arc?

The three-neuron arc is the most common and consists of the afferent neurons, interneurons, and the efferent neurons. Afferent neurons conduct impulses to the CNS from the receptors. Efferent neurons conduct impulses from the CNS to effectors (muscle or glandular tissue). Two-neuron arc is the simplest form, fastest responding and consists of afferent and efferent neurons. Example is the knee-jerk reflex.

Related questions

What is the pathway of an impulse in a reflex arc?

Sensory receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, and muscle.

What are the five parts of a reflex arc?

Summarized below are the 5 major components of the reflex arc: 1. Receptor 2. Afferent (sensory) neurons 3. Association neuron 4. Efferent (motor) neurons 5. Effector

What happens at the level of the neuron starting with stimulus and ending with a response?

The stimulus is detected by the sensory receptor. The sensory receptor stimulates a sensory neuron. The sensory neuron transmits to the interneuron in the spinal cord. The interneuron stimulates a motor neuron. The motor neuron communicates to the muscle. The muscle(effector) then produces the response allowing the body to respond to the stimulus.

What are the five parts of a reflex?

Five parts of a reflex arc are the receptor, sensory neuron (afferent), integration center, motor neuron (efferent), and effector.

What is the sequence of a typical reflex arc?

1. The receptor reacts to a stimulus. 2. The sensory neuron conducts the afferent impulses to the CNS. 3. The integration center consists of one or more synapses in the CNS. 4. The motor neuron conducts the efferent impulses from the integration center to an effector. 5. The effector, muscle fibers or glands, respond to the efferent impulses by contraction or secretion a product, respectively.

What is the flow of information in a spinal reflex arc in the correct order?

The reflex arc includes the sensory neuron (sensory intake) to the motor neuron (motor response). This two neuron arc is the fastest. Many times an interneuron at the level of the spinal cord is involved. It passes information to the brain more slowly. It is like an "incident report".

What are the three types of neurone involved in a reflex action?

The three types of neurons are sensory(afferant) neurons, interneurons, and motor(efferant) neurons. Sensory, or afferent, neurons send information from the receptor to the central nervouse system. Interneurons, found only in the central nervous system, play the role of interpretting the impulse. The motor, or efferent, neurons send the information from the central nervous system to the effector. Receptor->sensory neuron->interneuron->motor neuron->effector.

What occurs during the reflex arc.?

The pathway that an impulse travels from your foot back to your leg is an example of a reflex arc. A reflex arc includes a sensory receptor (in this case, a receptor in your toe), sensory neuron, motor neuron, and effector (leg muscle). Some reflex arcs include interneurons. In other reflex arcs, a sensory neuron communicates directly with a motor neuron.

Can a first order sensory neuron sometimes be a sensory receptor?

The first order sensory neuron can sometimes be a sensory receptor because it is what sends the signal to the brain from the receptor. The second order goes from the brainstem to the thalamus.

What is the correct order of components of a reflex arc?

The three-neuron arc is the most common and consists of the afferent neurons, interneurons, and the efferent neurons. Afferent neurons conduct impulses to the CNS from the receptors. Efferent neurons conduct impulses from the CNS to effectors (muscle or glandular tissue). Two-neuron arc is the simplest form, fastest responding and consists of afferent and efferent neurons. Example is the knee-jerk reflex.

What is another name for afferent neuron?

sensory neuron or receptor neuron.

What is the receptor of a reflex arc?

Sensory receptor located at the distal end of a neuron or an associated sensory structure. When stimulated it creates a receptor potential, when that reaches its threshold, it will trigger 1 or more nerve impulses in the sensory neuron.