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because following the density principle, the density of the egg compared to the density of the tap water is lesser....(the density principle states that an object or substance with lesser density will float on the surface of the substance or object which has the greater density...),,,with salt,,, salt makes the density of the tap water to increase and increases also the salinity of the water making the egg float because the density of the water with salt is now greater than the density of the egg....

An egg will float when the density of the water is greater than the density of the egg. Adding salt increases the density of a salt water solution. Whether the egg floats or sinks depends on the condition of the egg as well as the amount of salt in the water. If an object is LESS dense than the solution that it is in, then it WILL float. If an object is MORE dense than the solution it is in, then it WILL NOT float.

An egg is more dense than regular water; therefore, the egg will sink. But when you add salt to the water, you are making the solution more dense. The salt water's density becomes greater to the point that it is more dense than the egg. Because the egg is now LESS dense than the water, it floats.

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because of the density

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Q: An egg sinks in fresh water but floats in a strong solution of salt why?
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