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Q: An element that is considered to be unreactive because it has a filled outer energy level is?
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What element that is considered unreactive because it has a filled outer energy level is?

noble gases helium to be exact

What family of element is relatively unreactive and why?

Nobel gases are relatively nonreactive because they have eight electrons in the outermost energy level, which is a stable configuration

What element has 3 energy levels and belongs to the most unreactive group?

The element is 'argon' and belongs to noble gas family.

Which group on the periodic table is unreactive because its outermost energy level is full?

Noble gases are unreactive with the outermost energy level full.

In which group are the elements unreactive because their outer energy levels are full?


Is temperature considered to be an element?

No. Temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy in matter. It is not an element.

Why is diatomic nitrogen unreactive?

It is unreactive because diatomic nitrogen is bonded by a triple bond. This triple bond takes so much energy to break, that it does not likely naturally react with other substances

Is unreactive a physical or chemical property?

Helium is a noble gas, a nonreactive chemical element.

Are capacitors and inductors active elements?

Capacitors and inductors are considered passive elements, not active elements, because capacitors and inductors do not supply or amplify energy. An example of an active element is a battery, which supplies energy to a circuit.

How does gold resist corrosion?

Gold resists corrosion because it is very unreactive. Formation of compounds involves steps which take in energy and steps which give energy out. To oversimplify, in the case of gold, the energy-out steps don't compensate for the energy-in steps in many cases.

Why inductor is loss less element?

because it store energy

What is the relationship between the magnitude of a molecule's bond dissociation energy and its expected chemical reactivity?

remember dissociation energy is the energy required to break a bond between to covalently bonded atoms. dissociation energy corresponds to the strength of a covalent bond. carbon compounds however have very high dissociation energy meaning it would be harder to break the bond between them than it is for a bond of lower dissociation energy. if the bonds cannot be broken then they cannot be used to form covalent bonds and thus are unreactive. they are unreactive partly because their dissociation energy is high. in other words for the slow ones jk lol: the higher the dissociation energy the less reactive. ex carbon compounds like C-C, C-H are unreactive