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diagnostic radiation

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Q: An example of a man made source of radiation is?
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What is an example of a man made source of radiation?

Examples: laser, X-rays, radio waves, etc.

A man made source or light?

what is man-made light

Is polyethylene a natural or man made source?

Man made

Is a candle a natural or man-made light source?

Man made

What natural and man-made items release radiation?

Light bulbs do

What are the 5 man made heat sources?

Machines, Radioactivity Electricity

What is man made disaster?

The Chernobyl disaster is an example of a man made disaster.

What element gave off radiation on the fat man on Nagasaki?

The "Fat Man" was made from plutonium which emitted gamma rays.

What is man made heritage?

man made heritage is things made and formed by man for example the Eiffel tower it is a man made building.

What is natural and unnatural source of radiation?

-- radio for communication -- 2.5 GHz CW to cook food -- radar -- microwave radio -- light from light bulbs -- heat from infrared heat lamps -- heat from an electric heater -- diagnostic x-ray source -- tanning lamps -- laser light

Is radiation is a man made disaster?

Some nuclear radiation is man-made and some is natural. Most nuclear radiation is natural - a result of various naturally occuring isotopes of different elements. Much man-made radiation is beneficial including isotopes used to combat cancer. Of course some of the man-made instances are definitely disasters such as the atom bombs dropped at the end of WWII - although it can be persuasively argued that they were a disaster only for those subject to the blast and subsequent radiation while being beneficial to those saved by the quick end to the war.

What are the best example of man made attraction?

a attracting place made by a man that place called by man made attraction.exampletaj mahal