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Q: An extinct arthropod with an oval body segmented in three parts?
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What are three main parts of arthropods?

Three of the main distintinctions of an arthropod is having an exoskeleton, jointed appendages, and a segmented body. Added: Head. Thorax. Abdomen.

What invertebrate groups are segmented?

Arthropods' bodies are segmented into three parts. The head, the thorax, and the abdomen

Is arthropod segmented?

Arthropods are a category of invertebrate characterized by chitinous exoskeletons and segmented bodies; the three types are insects, arachnids, and crustaceans. Bodies of arthropods typically come in three sections, the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. Each of these is a segment. But some species, such as a centipede or a millipede, have more segments.

What does it mean to be referred to as a trilobite?

Although researching has provided a definition for the word trilobite there does not seem to be any reference as to why one would be referred to as a trilobite. A trilobite is an extinct arthropod from Paleozoic times of which the skeleton is divided into three parts.

Are caterpillars echinoderms?

No, a caterpillar is an Arthropod. There are over a million types of anthropoids on earth. Here are three things all arthropods have 1. Chitonous 2. Exoskeleton segmented body 3. Jointed appendages

What are the three parts of a arthropod's body?

A typical arthropod, such as an ant, has three body sections - head, thorax and abdomen.However, the phylum "arthropoda" which literally translates to "jointed foot" (or, by extension, "jointed leg") includes more than a million species, some of which (the lobster, for instance) have as many as eight body sections, and others such as the arachnids (spiders), only two.For a basic science test, 3 is probably the answer.

How does the characteristics of an insect different from an arthropod?

An insect is an arthropod. Arthropods are a phylum of animals characterized by their jointedappendages, segmented body's, and their exoskeletons, so an insect, arachnid, crustacean, etc. Insects are just part of the larger group the arthropods, but insects are characterized from other classes of arthropods by their six legs, compound eyes, one pair of antennae, and three segmented body (Head, thorax, abdomen).

Is a garden spider a inesct?

No, they are part of the Arachnid family. Many people think of spiders as insects, but actually they are classified in a separate category. Spiders are part of a group called arachnids, which also includes mites, ticks, and scorpions. Arachnids share many features with their arthropod cousins, but they differ in that they do not have antennae. Also, spiders have eight legs (insects have six), and their bodies are segmented into two parts (insects' bodies have three parts).

Do ants have segmented bodies?

yes the ant as a segmented body because it has three body sections

Why is a mosquito called an arthropod and an insect?

Arthropod is a really general classification; it's a phylum, man, there are a whole lot of disparate critters that fall under this category. From wikipedia: "An arthropod is an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton (external skeleton), a segmented body, and jointed appendages."

Why is a ladybug an arthropod?

a ladybug is an arthropod because it has a segmented body. they have jointed legs, chitinous shells. ladybugs have appendages or there legs are jointed. they have no back bone. ladybugs have an skeleton on the outside of there body.

What is arthropod segment?

Arthropods are a category of invertebrate characterized by chitinous exoskeletons and segmented bodies; the three types are insects, arachnids, and crustaceans. Bodies of arthropods typically come in three sections, the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. Each of these is a segment. But some species, such as a centipede or a millipede, have more segments.