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Q: An extreme harmful eating behavior that can cause serious illness or even death?
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How should you punctuate this sentence The consumption of raw or undercooked foods such as meat fish and eggs which may contain harmful bacteria may cause serious illness or death?

The sentence should be punctuated as: "The consumption of raw or undercooked foods, such as meat, fish, and eggs, which may contain harmful bacteria, may cause serious illness or death." Adding commas before and after the list of foods clarifies each item being listed and separates the nonessential clause for improved readability.

is THEIR FLESH IS HARMFUL TO HUMANSPS this is not a Question I'm just telling you a fact :)?

Because of their sponge diet, eating a Hawksbill Sea Turtle may cause serious illness and, in extreme cases, even death. Sponges contain toxic compounds that accumulate in the animal’s tissues that may not harm them, but definitely harm us.

Is cancer an illness?

Yes, it is a very serious illness too.

Why must hands be washed after handling food waste and rubbish?

So that if you are touching a surface or come into contact with food or your mouth, the harmful bacteria can enter your body and can cause serious illness.

What is a sentence with illness in it?

"Todd was shocked to find that the cause of his fatigue was a serious illness."

When you have anxiety do you feel like its a more serious mental illness?

Many who suffer anxiety have a mentall illness such as depression, bi-polar disorder, or schizophrenia. This in no way, however, means that you do have a mental illness. Some people suffer from extreme anxiety, but are otherwise completely normal. If you feel something is wrong, I advise you to talk to your doctor.

Is alcoholism a illness or a weakness?

weakness to a certain degree. if it is a serious condition, it then becomes a illness.

How long does the average illness last?

Viral illness 2 weeks, Bacterial with treatment 2 weeks unless serious. Serious illnesses are not included in my answer.

Is vinegar harmful when boiled?

Vinegar is only harmful to those with respiratory problems such as asthma, sarcoidosis, S.A.R.S and a few others. When boiled individuals with the listed diseases will experience constant illness and a weakend immune system. Overexposure to vinegar in individuals with the listed sicknesses will cause serious damage!

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Although Brown Tree snake venom is harmless to adults, the poison can cause serious illness or death in small children and babies due to their low body mass