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The freedom to fail.

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Q: An important freedom in America that pushes people towards hard work and new ideas?
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Why was freedom of religion important to the colonists?

They were leaving Europe because of religoius opression, so freedom of religion woulb be important to them. If they didnt have freedom of religion they would be just like Britian, the country they were leaving.

Why is the symbol of the Statue of Liberty important to so many people?

It is the sign of America. It represents freedom and prosperity. It gives you hope.

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For freedom is why people coming to America.

What did the war give to the people of america?

The Revolutionary war gave freedom to the people of America.

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a pardon

Who were the people who came to America for religious freedom?

The separatists.

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Explain why the provide the common defense important?

To "Provide for the common defense" is important because it protects the safety, freedom, and rights of the people of the United States of America, and the whole country itself.

What are the two reasons people came to north America?

For freedom

Is the freedom possible for black people in America?

Yes! Most definitely!!! America is a free country.

What was important to people on Rhode Island?

Religious freedom.