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the potato crop was attacked by a fungus called potato blight

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The potato crop.

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Q: An irish famine in the mid 1800s killed over one million people this famine was caused by protists attacking what crop?
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What caused the Irish migration to the US?

The Great Irish Famine which killed over one million people. Another million emigrated to the US

What are some examples of positive and negative effects of protists on human life and health?

Some positive effects of protists on our life is that they decompose. Decomposition is important so we're not stepping on dead bodies, in the protists case while we're swimming in a pond, lake, creek, river etc. Another positive effect on life protists have is nutrition, protists are called the grasses of the sea because they provide food to aquatic life. Protists are also used in cosmetic and food products, products like pudding and salad dressing, marshmallows and ice cream. They are found in toothpaste, lotion, and rubber tires. Negative effects would be disease, famine, mold, and mildew. Protists caused the potato famine of Ireland, a grape famine that almost ruined the French wine business.

Are protist organisms any harm?

Yes protists cause disease , cause red tide, and the Irish potato famine Yes protists cause disease , cause red tide, and the Irish potato famine

Did the potato blight cause a reduction in population in Ireland?

The potato famine in Ireland which was caused by the potato blight killed in the region of 2 million people out of a pre-famine population of 9 million, and it started emigration to America, Canada, Australia and other places, displacing another one million during the famine, and many more since.

What caused over 15 million Irish to immigrate to the US in the 1850s?

They famine caused many people to emigrate to the USA, but that was mainly in the 1840s and far less than 15 million. The entire population of Ireland prior to the famine was only about 8 million, many of whom died or emigrated to countries other than the USA or survived and stayed in Ireland.

What caused the great famine?

a fungus called phytophthora infestans caused the Irish potato famine.

What caused famine in Africa?

Drought was the main factor that contributed to the famine in Africa. Failed government policies were another factor that contributed to widespread famine.

What caused Ireland's great famine?

Ireland's Famine was caused mainly by Blight and a sudden increase in Population

What caused famine in Ukraine?


When was the Ukrainian famine?

Known as Holodomor in history the famine of 1932-33 was a man made famine that claimed 7-5 million lives. It is also known as famine genocide in Ukraine which was caused as a result of trad difficulties faced by USSR at the time and its own collectivization policy to increase agricultural yield.

What is the mold called that caused the Irish potato famine?

The potato blight caused the famine, the species being Phytophthora infestans.

What are the causes and effects of the Great Famine?

the great famine was caused by plould soil