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Yes. If it is at rest to start with, it will remain at rest until an external force acts on it. Likewise, an object starting in motion will remain in that same motion until an external force acts on it.

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Q: An object at rest stays at rest until a force acts on it?
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3 laws of motions?

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction An object in motion stays in motion until a force acts upon it An object that is not in motion stays in place until a force acts upon it

An object stays at rest unless what acts on it?

An object stays at rest unless a force acts on it.

How does force cause motion?

An object is stationary until a force acts on it, then when a force acts on it it will keep going the same direction and speed forever, until another force acts on it.

An object at rest stays at rest unless a net force acts on it?

Yes, that is correct.

When a constant force acts on a mass starts moving from rest then the?

The object continues to accelerate as long as the force stays constant.

Explain how friction affects the motion of an object?

Friction is speed's worst enemy. If no forces act on an object, it is stationary. If a force acts on an object, it keeps going forever until another force acts on it (such as friction!!!).

The tendency of an object to stay in motion or at rest until a force acts on it is called?


If no force acts upon an object at rest what will the object do?

If no force acts upon an object at rest it will just stay there. Example: Lets say you put an appple on a flat table. The apple stays still when you don't touch it. If you touch the apple, it will move. If you don't touch the apple, it will just stay there.

The tendency of an object to stay in motion or at rest until a force acts upon it is called?


When a nonzero net force acts on an object the force?

changes the motion of the object

Is a push or pull that acts on an object.?

A push or pull that acts on an object is a force.

Is it true that an object at rest will say at rest until a net force acts upon it?

Yes, it is true.