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That is true the Webster dictionary did difine a hillbilly as a Michigan dirt farmer.

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Q: An old dictonary I once saw defined a hillbilly as a Michigan dirt farmer can't find it on any website it was a very old book....anyone ever see this?
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No, Lake Michigan is definitely a lake. A river is defined as "A large natural stream of water emptying into an ocean, lake, or other body of water and usually fed along its course by converging tributaries."

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The SKS is not an assault rifle, nor even a BATFE-defined "civilian assault weapon". And no, a permit is not required.

Is Lake Michigan in Michigan?

Yes, but not only Michigan. It is also bordered by the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana.Yes, but not only Michigan. It is also bordered by the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana.Yes, but not only Michigan. It is also bordered by the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana.Yes, but not only Michigan. It is also bordered by the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana.Yes, but not only Michigan. It is also bordered by the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana.Yes, but not only Michigan. It is also bordered by the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana.

In Michigan is a air rifle defined as a fire arm?

Smoothbore guns utilizing spring, gas or air to propel BBs are not "firearms" under state statutes. Rifled guns are considered to be firearms.

Why is Lake Michigan not a lake?

The Detroit River is technically a "strait," a narrow passge between two larger bodies of water. (In this case, Lakes Huron and Erie.) A river is defined as a stream that drains water from higher elevations into a large body of water.

Is aggravated stalking a felony in Michigan?

No."Aggravated Assault MCL 750.81aAggravated assault is a misdemeanor in Michigan. It is defined by Michigan statute as an assault, without a weapon, that results in a serious or aggravated injury.This misdemeanor is punishable by up to one year in prison and up to $1,000 in fines.**If you have prior assault convictions, the prosecution can request an "enhanced sentence". This means the prosecution wants the judge to consider your prior convictions and give you a harsher sentence because of them.In Michigan your intentions when assaulting someone seriously affects your potential sentence."