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Q: An organism which can cause disease is called an?
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What is pathogenic?

A pathogen is an organism that can cause a disease.

Any organism or particle that can cause an infectious disease is called a?


What effect will a virus in lysogenic cycle have on an organism?

It will have no direct effect on the organism ::x: It will cause a disease in the organism.

What effect will a virus in the Lysogenic cycle have on organism?

It will have no direct effect on the organism ::x: It will cause a disease in the organism.

What is the medical term meaning ability of an organism to cause disease?

Pathogenicity is the ability of an organism to cause disease.

What is an organ that causes a disease?

A disease causing organism is called a pathogen.

What is a disease carrying organism called?


Is influenza an organism?

No, but it is caused by an organism. Influenza is the name of the infectious disease that certain viruses cause in people and other animals. The virus that causes the flu is the organism, and influenza is the disease the organism causes.

What Organism Depends On Its Host For Survival While Causing It Harm?

This is called a parasite. They can be a fungus such as ringworm or toenail fungus. They can be bacteria that cause disease such as cholera, pneumonia or the plague. They also can be tapeworms.

Those who have and transmit the disease organism but do not have symptoms and do not display evisence of the disease?

They are called carrier's.

What problems does pathogen cause?

By definition, a pathogen is an organism that causes disease. So the "problems" are dependent on the particlar organism.

What is a disease-causing organism called?

I think you are referring to a bacteria or virus.