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Q: Analyze how genetic diversity in a population of fishes in a stream can help the fishes resist disease?
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Is genetic change desirable or not?

Genetic change is desirable in order to have an abundance of diversity within a population. This makes the population less susceptible to disease and illness, making the population more resilient.

What is the main purpose of sexual reproduction?

Increase population genetic diversity beyond that possible with asexual reproduction. This makes the population more resistant to disease and parasites.

How might the lack of genetic diversity found in populations of endangered species might hinder their recovery?

Lack of genetic diversity can becomes a problem when a species is hit with infectious diseases. If all the organisms are very similar, then it is very likely that they will all be affected by the same disease, thus destroying the species as a whole. In species with high amounts of genetic diversity, a disease may destroy a section of the population, but many individuals will be resistant to the disease.

Stabilizing selection results in more or less genetic diversity?

Stabilizing selection results in less genetic diversity in a population.

What is the variety of genetic material within a species or population is called?

genetic diversity

What describes a population at great risk for genetic diversity?

The number one cause of risk to genetic diversity in populations is the size of the population. The smaller the size in an area, the less diverse genetically the population is.

Has genetic diversity helped or hurt the survival of the rat population?

Genetic diversity would increase the survival of the rat population because they would be more capable as a species of surviving in different environments.

Write a logo advertising the importance of genetic diversity to a population?


What did the selective breeding do to the population of pea plants?

decreased its genetic diversity

What did the selective breeding do to the. Population of pea plants?

decreased its genetic diversity

How do beetles display genetic diversity?

different species in one population

What characteristic do a bottleneck and a founder effect have in common?

The founder effect a genetic bottleneck are similar in their effect on the genetic diversity of a local population in both situations. They result in the development of a population from a small number individuals and is likely to have reduced genetic diversity.