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Q: Animals need various nutrients in order to live and grow. Nitrogen for example is a nutrient that is needed to form molecules such as DNA and RNA. How do animals obtain nitrogen?
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What nutrient contains nitrogen?

The nutrient that contains nitrogen are plant nutrients. Nitrogen is one common element in all plants.

What is nitrogen's limiting nutrient?

In Ecology, limiting nutrients are compounds that affect growth or success of a population. One such nutrient, found in marine ecosystems, is nitrogen. Nitrogen IS the limiting nutrient - it does not have one.

What are the 4 steps of the nutrient cycle?

1. Nitrogen molecules are split apart 2. Nitrogen moves from soil to plant material 3. Dead animals decompose 4. Gaseous nitrogen released

Why is nitrogen a limiting nutrient?

This is because the particular form of nitrogen found in air “nitrogen gas“ cannot be assimilated by most organisms. For example, “Nitrogen nutrients are water-soluble and as a result they are easily drained away”, so that they are no longer available for plants.

Why do chemical fertilizers provide nutrients to algae?

Fertilizers contain high concentrations of nitrogen, a limiting nutrient for algae.

What would be a nitrogen source for the nutrient broth or agar?

the east extract is the main source of nitrogen in the nutrient broth or agar

What is inorganic nutrients?

Any nutrient that is not created by living things, so minerals.

Can we use pure nitrogen gas as a nutrient?

No, not directly. There are bacteria that can fix Nitrogen out of the air and make it available as a nutrient but Nitrogen has to be in a compound form for it to be useful to most of the living things on Earth.

What is the limiting nutrient for algae growth phosphorus nitrogen or carbon?

All three are limiting nutrients for algae growth, along with light.

What nutrient in plants helps to make flowers?

potash - NOT nitrogen - nitrogen tends to produce leaves

Why is an nitrogen is important nutrient?

Nitrogen is used for DNA replication, so you need it for cell replication and growth.

Why does grass need nitrogen?

Nitrogen is a nutrient that grass needs so it can grow. Lawns should be fertilized often so grass can get enough nitrogen.