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Sea floor spreading

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Q: Another name for divergent boundaries that occur under the ocean is?
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Related questions

Where do most divergent plate boundaries occur?

Ocean ridges

Do Divergent boundaries only occur on the ocean floor?

No. They can also occur on continents.

The mid-ocean ridge occur along transform boundaries?

Mid ocean ridges occure at divergent boundaries.

Do divergent plate boundaries only occur on the ocean floor?

No. They can also occur on continents.

Which type of boundary do mid-ocean ridges occur?


Are all divergent boundaries located at mid ocean ridges?

No. Divergent boundaries can occur on continents. The most notable example of this is the East African Rift.

Ocean ridges are formed by what boundaries?

Divergent boundaries form ocean ridges.

What landforms are formed at diverging boundaries?

In plate tectonics, divergent boundaries occur when plates pull apart. On land, divergent boundaries form rifts or valleys. More commonly, divergent boundaries in the ocean occur and cause mid-oceanic ridges. Divergent boundaries can also form volcanoes when the plates separate enough to allow molten lava to seep out, harden, and eventually form islands.

In which location would an ocean ridge?

The mid-ocean ridge is almost in all of the oceans

The volcanic landforms at divergent ocean plate boundaries are .?

The volcanic landforms at divergent ocean plate boundaries are oceanic ridges.

What are the volcanic landforms at divergent ocean plate boundaries called?

The volcanic landforms at divergent ocean plate boundaries are oceanic ridges.

Where do most divergent boundaries occur?

divergent boundaries mostly occur when 2 tectonic plates move apart from each other and this is due to the currents movement. On earth, the form drift vallies and fault. Example can be san andreas fault on western side of united state of america.