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Normally, individuals whose profession involves in giving massages to patients are called massage therapists. They can also be referred to as masseuse. They are usually employed in Health Farm and Spas

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Is a massager or a Masseuse someone who give a massage?

A masseuse is the proper term for a woman who gives massages professionally. A Masseur is the term used for a man who gives massages professionally. Another term is a massage therapist.

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There are multiple ways and techniques to performing a massage on someone! There are seated massages, deep tissue massage, and various types of massages that have been proven to yield different results! I would Goggle "NACAMS" for more information on how to perform many of these types of massages!

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What are the people called that give massages?

Masseuse (female) Masseur (male)

Does Washington state require a license to give foot massages?

To became a message therapist in order to give massages as a profession, a license is needed in the state of Washington. For specific information visit the Related Link.

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you need to train them, give them massages or give them poffins and irons ect.