

Another word for embezzle

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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Some choices: skim, defalcate, filch, purloin, pilfer, loot, thieve

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Q: Another word for embezzle
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Can you use the word embezzle in a sentence?

One shall not embezzle anything that does not belong to them.

How do you use the word embezzle in a sentence?

Don't embezzle money! Ponzi schemes are a scheme to embezzle money. Some people try to embezzle money from insurance companies. Embezzle-- To take from (usually money ) But Can be property... usually money though

How many syllables in the word embezzle?

There are three syllables. Em-bez-zle.

How would you add the root embezzle to the suffix ment?

The word would become embezzlement.

What is a three letter word that means to steal from?

Embezzle is a synonym of to steal. Embezzle means to misappropriate or steal money from the organization the person works for.

Use embezzle in a sentence?

Rudolph decided to steal money from his business by writing checks to himself. His decision to embezzle this money caused him to go to jail for five years.

What is meaning of embezzle?

EMBEZZLE - The wrongful or willful taking of money or property belonging to someone else after the money or property has lawfully come into the possession or control of the person taking it.

Can you use embezzle in a sentence?

Tom had to embazzle the group's money when he was out of job

How do you use embezzle in a sentence?

A warrant has been issued for his arrest because he has allegedly embezzled $ 120 million.

What is another word for to steal?

There are a lot here are all of them that I know. take (away), appropriate, filch, shoplift, pilfer, purloin, make or walk off or away with, get away with, embezzle, misappropriate, peculate, lift, pinch, hook, snitch, borrow, boost, liberate, heist, hijack, swipe, nick, prig,

Is EMBEZZLE a negative positive or neutral connotation?

Since it means to steal, it is negative.

What 8 letter word starts with e and ends with e?

Earphone, earpiece, elective, embezzle and employee are 8 letter words. Additional words include encircle, energize, enrollee, entrance and exposure.