

Answerbar always comes back

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Answerbar always comes back
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Something always happens then he freaks out then he comes back what does that mean?

He cheating on you most likely and when he comes back he want to be with you because he is finish chesting on you.

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This assertion is not always valid.

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To arrive unexpectedly, or, uninvited or unwelcome

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yes weirdo the spoon always comes back that's the thing with stupid fantasy stories

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It means always watch your back and be prepared for anything.

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no the quills always comes back plus the quill breaks off of a porcupine

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No, Santa can't be destroyed. He always comes back. It's a little bit like Time Lord regeneration if you are familiar with Doctor Who. But in Santa's case, you can't destroy him while he is regenerating either. He *always* comes back. It's a serious case of immortality.

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Ham is always pork. Most hams come from the back leg of pig. A picnic ham comes from the pig shoulder.

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come clean and tell someone like your, teacher, parents, or a guardian

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