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Q: Any chemical or agent that causes cancer?
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Related questions

What is carcinogens and mutagens?

In genetics, a mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, mutagen can causes cancer. while a carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide or radiation that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer.

Which deodorants is good and does not lead to any cancer?

If you are in the United states , there are none that have the Chemical that leads to cancer of any type .

What type of chemical agent can cause casualties 24 hours after contact?

A persistent agent. Any of the classes of chemical agents - nerve, blood, blister and so on - can be made into a persistent agent.

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What is a carcinogenic?

Carcinogenic hydrocarbon is any substance that can produce cancer. Cigarettes contain these. They can change cells into cancer cells in the body.

Is there any proof that petroleum jelly causes cancer?

Not yet

What is any force substance or organism that causes a material to change?

An agent

What is an anti-foamant?

An antifoam is any chemical agent which inhibits the formation of foam.

How are viruses caused?

the virus are causes of sickness,cancer or any deaseas

What chemical in air conditioner causes migraines?

Any chemical from air coditioners cause migraines.

Does smoking cause any cancer?

Smoking causes several cancers. (eg.: lung cancer, oral cavity, pancreas)

What is the definition of carcinogens?

A carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer.