

Any famous highwayman

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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dick turpin Robin Hood

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Q: Any famous highwayman
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Are there any famous highwayman?

Yes, Dick Turpin is a famous highwayman.

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When did the highwayman die?

Well, the classic highwayman didn't really die out till after WW II but non-typicial highwaymen still exist today. Most are actually robbing military shipments or drug dealers but still. In a matter of speaking highwaymen existed during the cold war trying to steel nuclear material but I don't think any freelance onces suceeded.

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i cant realy help u but look on this site it'll show you the real poem plus i need help on a friends acrostic poem any ideas?

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This is from the highwayman right? Well if it is, it's because they were ordered by King George. They basically sneered at her and harassed her also. I guess they did to stop any news of her death or whatever so the highwayman would still arrive at the inn so they could still take them.

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No, a highwayman is not a poem. It refers to a person, typically a robber or thief, who holds up travelers on a road or highway. The term is often associated with historical figures in literature or folklore.

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