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Q: Any restrictions when getting tetanus shot?
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Are there any dangerous ingredients in a tetanus shot?

Yes. there is one dangerous in a tetanus shot and that is tetanus.

How do you prevent getting tetanus?

When you're an adult, you don't have to get your tetanus shot every 10 years if you don't want to. Doctors don't have time to chase everybody to make sure they have their shots every 10 years. They have more important things to do than that. If you have diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, HIV, cancer or any other uncurable disease, your physician can force you to get vaccinated every 10 years. He/she can force you to get the flu shot every year if you have health problems. But as long as you're an adult and you have no health problems, they can't force you to get a tetanus shot. If you have a bad burn, a deep cut that requires stitches, an animal bite or a surgery, the doctors can force you to get your tetanus shot. If they don't force you to get your tetanus shot and you develop diphteria or the tetanus disease, you could sue the doctors. Or if you're in a position where you can't sue ( wich would probably be the case), your family would sue the doctors for you.

Can you get tetanus by ingesting something with rust on it?

Yes. Depending on last tetanus shot (if any) and whether wound bled profusely or not.

If you got poked with a rusty wire form a tire blowout and have gotten a tetanus shot should you get another tetanus shot or any other kind of shot?

I stepped upon a rusty nail once. My doctor indicated that a tetanus booster is recommended if your most recent tetanus vaccination was more than 10 years ago.

What is a tetanus shot for?

A tetanus shot is an injection that vaccinates the recipient from an acute bacterial disease also known as tetanus or lockjaw.A tetanus shot contains the tetanus toxoid - which is an inactivated form of the toxin Clostridium tetani.The vaccination against tetanus is normally included in a combined vaccine called DTaP that protects against diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping-cough (pertussis).Read more at:tetanustoxoid

Do you need a tetanus shot after stepping on a small rusty nail?

As soon as possible. You really don't want to wait because the area that was punctured can get infected and the blood stream has been exposed as well. Go to the ER or get a doctor appointment IMMEDIATELY and get it taken care of, for your own health

What happens if you get a tetanus diptheria pertussis shot 3 months since last one?

It's usually OK to receive an extra booster of the tetanus vaccine. This is especially true if you're being treated for an acute injury, such as a deep cut or puncture wound, and you can't recall exactly when you had your last tetanus shot.Vaccination is the best way to prevent tetanus - a serious disease caused by a bacterial toxin that affects the nervous system. Tetanus bacterial spores can enter your body through any cut or scratch. But deep puncture wounds, such as from stepping on a nail, are most susceptible to tetanus infection.An adult who's never been immunized against tetanus should complete the initial tetanus series of three tetanus shots. The first two shots are given at least four weeks apart, and the third shot is given six to 12 months after the second shot. After the initial tetanus series, booster shots are recommended every 10 years. Although getting tetanus shots more frequently generally isn't harmful, it may increase the risk of soreness or redness at the injection site.

Am i going to die if i don't get a tetanus shot?

Probably not, but if you should become infected by the bacteria that causes tetanus, it will save you a lot of pain and a lengthy stay in the hospital. Most infection occur through a would such as a cut or puncture. You will not die just because you did not get the shot, you have to be infected by the bacteria to have any adverse affects at all. The tetanus shot has a mild aching pain associated with it at the injection shot for a day or two, but I have never had an issue with it. With where I work and live, I make sure to keep mine up to date.

You steped on a nail and had a tetanus shot in 2004 do you need another shot?

Stepping on a rusty nail or any other type of puncture wound could cause a tetanus infection, a bacterial disease that affects the nervous system and is often fatal. This is not the ONLY way to contract the disease but one should always get checked out after cutting or puncturing the skin with any kind of rusty object.

How long after injury do you get tetanus shot?

Even to day, some one comes and ask for ATS injection. Anti tetanus serum injection is very dangerous to give. The patient may get the anaphylactic reaction. This preparation is no longer used. Any serum preparation is dangerous. You need to be protected by anti tetanus injection. With proper wound care the anti tetanus serum is not required.

Do you need a tetanus for a wild mouse bite?

No you would not. As it is a pet mouse there would be no chance of any infection if bought in pet shop etc. If the mouse was once wild there may be a chance of infection. Just make sure to clean the wound.

Why is it tetanus vaccine is given in the morning?

In my area, tetanus vaccine is given at any time of day.