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No, it's not possible to abuse or catch a buzz from. So sorry...:(

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Will pristic show up on a drug screen?

Pristiq is an SSRI antidepressant and not a drug of abuse, so it is not tested for in a drug screen.

Are fidgetspinners evil?

Not at all. But they are designed as a therapeutic device for autistic people and people with attention deficit problems. Use by anyone else is an abuse. It's rather like a drug--it's all right when used by people for whom it is prescribed medically, but when people start using it recreationally, that is drug abuse.

Can you abuse someone?

Anyone can abuse another, but not legally.

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"Abuse" means you're over the line by definition. Drugs by themselves are used medically and recreationally (mainly Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol), and you can abuse them too. Good answer, if you are at drug abuse, you are pass the safe level. One last thing, there is no safe level for drug abuse, don't kid yourself!

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Yes you can sue anyone for abuse

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HI, was wondering if anyone of you members know this are you asking how DID pet abuse start?

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Anyone can report abuse. Only police and district attorneys can file charges.

Can police charge someone for verbal abuse?

* No, the police cannot charge anyone with verbal abuse unless a serious threat can be proven. Physical abuse leaves marks and thus the police can charge the batterer.