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Q: Anything about town house mobile homes of 1984 Made in Napierville IL?
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Who live in mobile house?

People who own caravans could live in mobile homes/homes that can be moved.

What is Mobile house?

Mobile homes are remanufactured homes with wheels for moving them to a permanent location. The wheels are usually then removed and the home leveled and stabilized.

What is the mobile house?

Mobile homes are remanufactured homes with wheels for moving them to a permanent location. The wheels are usually then removed and the home leveled and stabilized.

Mobile homes interor wiring?

Almost exactly like a regular house.

Do you insure mobile homes?

Yes, you should and it is a lot less than a real house.

What is provided by Park Homes?

Park homes are houses that are prefabricated that is manufactured off-site. Park homes are also called mobile homes. They are usually just an empty house; however, the good thing is that they are easily movable.

Do mobile homes attract tornadoes?

No, they do not. Mobile homes are often shown after a tornado because they are more easily damaged than a house on a concrete foundation. Mobiles are usually only held in place by steel cables, which are no match for a tornado.

How do you define a mobile home?

A mobile home is just that "a home which is mobile." The mobiles have wheels, unlike a stick house which is attached to a foundation. Mobile homes can be classified as "real property" if the wheels are removed and the home is placed on a permanent foundation.

Why is a mobile home not safe during damaging straight line winds?

There are two related reasons. First, mobile homes are generally not well built, and can be severely damaged or destroyed by winds that would cause much less severe damage to a typical frame house. Second, mobile homes are usually not well anchored, and so can be easily overturned. For the same reason, mobile homes are not safe during hurricanes or tornadoes.

How many house burned in the lake view terrace wildfire?

38 mobile homes and 1 home were destroyed in the Marek Fire!!

What kind of house would be considered a moving home?

If you love your house but are forced to relocate, there is always the option to take your house with you. However, moving your house to a new location can cost more than it would to buy a new house. Homes like trailers, mobile and prefabricated houses are made to be moved, but larger homes can also be transferred to a new lot.

What are examples of quinary industries?

it can be anything to do with home care and such. these include hotels, maids, house care nursing homes etc.