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Q: Aphrodite was the protector of whom?
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Who is Aphrodite the protector of?

Aphrodite was the protector of the sailors.

Is Hermes the greek god of love?

No, Hermes is not the Greek god of love. Hermes is the messenger god, known for his speed and cunning, while Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and desire.

What area was Aphrodite speciatly?

love, beauty, and fertility, as well as being the protector of sailors.

Why did Aphrodite save Aeneas and Helen?

Aereas was the son of Aphrodite. Helen was the most beautiful woman whom Aphrodite had promised in love to Paris.

Did Aphrodite have a temper?

yes she had a severe temper! she was often cruel whom she disliked

After whom was the month April named after?

Some historians speculate it was the goddess Aphrodite.

Who was lord protector 1547-1549?

The Lord Protector of England in 1547-1549 was Edward Seymour. He protected Edward VI whom was Henry Viii son.

Why was Aphrodite disliked?

Aphrodite was the goddess of love, it did not matter if it was something a mortal or god or goddess wanted, or chose - or even if they did want it but never had it; Aphrodite was whom ultimately 'saw' or forced such things either by her own whim or with the aid of Cupid, her son.

Did Persephone like anyone other then hades?

She had a lover Adonis, over whom she had a serious conflict with Aphrodite.

Ivory statue which came to life in greek mythology?

Galatea. She was the statue whom Aphrodite breathed life in as a reward to her sculptor Pygmalion.

Who is the farther of greek gods to whom the ancient games were dedicated?

pretty sure it was zeus: protector of olympia, in which the word olympic comes from

Who is the most beautiful woman in greek mythology?

According to the judgment of Paris (which led to the Trojan war) it was Aphrodite, whom he gave the Golden Apple marked TO THE FAIREST to. She is the goddess of love and beauty.The most beautiful Greek goddess is considered to be Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology), the goddess of love and beauty.