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Q: Applying a force through a distance known as?
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What is applying a force through a distance known as?

We do work when we apply a force through a distance.

What is applying a force through distance is know as?

Applying a force through a distance is known as work. Work equals force in Newtons times distance in meters, and the unit for force is the Newton•meter, N•m.

What is the dimension of moments of force?

Moment of force, also known as torque, has dimensions of force x distance.

What is gravitional force reduced by?

Gravitational force depends on the masses involved, and on the distance. There is no known way to "block" the gravitational force.

Why are first and second class levers known as force multipliers?

if the distance is 5

A box is sitting on a table. The upward force exerted on the box that stops it from falling through the table is known as the force.?

A box is sitting on a table. The upward force exerted on the box that stops it from falling through the table is known as the force.

How do mass and distance effect gravitational force?

The gravitational force is equal to mass1 x mass2 / (the square of the distance); all this must be multiplied with a constant, known as the gravitational constant.

What is a turning force?

The turning effects of forces are known as moments. A moment is computed by multiplying the force by the perpendicular distance from its line of action to the fulcrum.

Who created the force-meter?

Robert Hooke created a force meter in 1678. It showed how the distance a spring will stretch is proportional to the amount of force applied to it. His theory is known as Hooke's Law.

What is the gravity in the milky way?

It is the same general principle as in many other situations. Masses attract one another, through a force known as gravity.It is the same general principle as in many other situations. Masses attract one another, through a force known as gravity.It is the same general principle as in many other situations. Masses attract one another, through a force known as gravity.It is the same general principle as in many other situations. Masses attract one another, through a force known as gravity.

What are Processes requiring energy called?

When the process that requires energy results in a displacement in the direction of a force, the process is known as work. Work is the product of force and distance.

What is The law that states the effort force times the distance the effort moves is equal to the resistance times the distance the resistance moves?

At each end, (the force) x (the distance) defines the quantity of work, or energy. They're known to be equal because of the law of conservation of energy.