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Q: Aqueous humor fills the space between the cornea and the?
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Related questions

Where was the aqueous humor in a dissected eye?

in front of the lens and behind the cornea

What fluid fills the anterior chamber of the eye provides nutrients to the lens and cornea?

Aqueous humor.

What nourishes the lens and cornea?

Aqueous Humor

What correctly lists the parts through which light passes as it enters the eye?

Cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor

What is the transparent fluid between cornea and lens?

The aqueous humour. The vitreous humour supplies the region from the lens to the retina.

How are the vitreous humor and the aqueous humor different?

The vitreous humor fills the space between the retina and lens while the aqueous humor is located between the lens and the cornea.The vitreous humor has more nutritive value when the aqueous humor is low in nutritive value.

What is the liquid found behind the cornea?

Aqueous humor

Differentiate between aqueous humor and vitreous humor?

Aqueous Humor is the gel-like fluid located between the lens and the cornea in the anterior and posterior chamber of the eyes. Vitreous Humor is also a gel-like fluid but it is located between the lens and the retina of the eyes.

What is part of the refractory media of the eye?

the structures in the eye that refract light in the eye is the lens and the cornea.

Light bending media of the eye?

cornea, aqueous humor, lens and vitreous humor

What are the structures and fluids through which light passes as it travels from the cornea to the retina?

Cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor, retina.

Where is the aqueous humor found?

It's located in the space between the cornea (outermost layer on the surface of your eye) and the lens.