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Q: Are 3 spine stickleback herbivores omnivores or carnivores?
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What eats a three spine stickleback?

A four-horned sculpin eats a three spined stickleback. Interesting...............................

Are reindeer omnivores?

Reindeer are verteebrates, they have a spine.

Are weasels omnivores or herbivores?

No.weasels are carnivores they kill rodents and sometimes snakes, or chickens which they are said to steal from farms.But weasels are the only animals in the entire world that kill for fun. They kill cause they want to but they will kill for food but will most likely leave the dead body and walk off.They also kill in a very unique way, they kill by charging and snap down on the prey constantly until its dead, so basically they bite their prey to death.

What is one difference among animals that is used to classify them into two large groups?

Porifera(sponges) and Nematoda(roundworms).

What kind of fish is this it lives in fresh water has a spine and its a greenish brownish color?

There is insufficient information in your question. What country? How big is the fish? Are there any markings? Some freshwater fish which have spines include, the Perch, Ruffe, Zander and Stickleback.

What is the bird that starts with th?

Blue Rock ThrushClick on the link below for a picture.

Are there carnivores without backbones?

Yes, because the Octopus, often eating fish or crustaceans, does not have a spine, or really even any other bones at all. A truely spineless predator.

Is the Sumatran Tiger carnivores?

The Sumatran tiger and all species of tiger are mammals so, like all mammals, they are vertebrates because they have a spine and spinal cord, and an internal skeleton. They belong to the Phylum Chordata. Mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians are all vertebrates.

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The bone that run down your back?

The bones in your back are called vertebrae but all of them together are called the spine, the neck is cervical, mid-spine is thoracic and the lower spine is the lumbar.

Is the spine lateral to the spine?

The Stomach is Anterior to the Spine.

What is the the different freely movable joints in your spine?

The spine is made up of boney vertebra: Cervical spine, Thoracic spine, and Lumbar spine.