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look in ur freaken book loser.

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Q: Are ATP and calcium both needed for muscle contraction to occur?
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What ion is essential for a muscle contraction to occur?

Calcium binding to actin-myosin causes contraction. The calcium is released to the sarcomere from a specialized storage organelle, the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

What would occur if the uptake of calcium ions was blocked in the sarcoplasmic reticulum?

Sustained muscle contraction.

What is needed besides calcium for contraction to occur in muscles?

Two others are sodium and potassium.

What is needed besides calcium for contraction to occur?

An action potential. It is the nerve impulse that enters into sarcomeres from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and provides the energy for the calcium ions to briefly bind to the troponin on the actin myofilament to allow for contraction to occur by bringing the Z-lines closer together.

In muscle contraction calcium apparently acts to?

Muscle contraction is regulated by calcium ions, which will change thin filament into an activated state by binding to troponin. The binding of calcium to the troponin changes it's shape so the myosin binding sites on the actin (thin filament) are exposedbind to regulatory sites on troponin to remove contraction inhibition

What ion is necessary for cardiac contraction to occur?

calcium is te most important ion in cardiac contraction , whereas the contraction starts by the Na .

What chemical reactions occur in the muscle during latent period of muscle contraction?

During the latent period of muscle contraction Ca++ is being released from the sacroplasmic reticulum and filament movement is taking up slack. This takes approx. 2 milliseconds.

What are the requirements of muscle contraction?

Essential elements (as in elements pharmacologically) would be Na (Sodium) and Ca (Calcium) - not including Chlorine as muscle twitches occur without innovation of somatic motor neuron. If your not talking about a twitch you may possibly also include chlorine.. The influx of Na (sodium) into the muscle cell initiates the muscle's generation of an Action potential, which then travels down the T-Tubules, triggering the influx of Ca (Calcium) into the sarcomere (muscle cell cytoplasm). The Ca then binds to tropoponin (receptors on tropomyosin) which the 'calcium tropoponin' complex then pulls the tropomyosin causing the revealance of Myosin binding site. ATP comes and causes myosin heads to lift and bind to actin - filaments move toward M line - u have a muscle contraction.

What are the events that influence the width of each sarcomere when a muscle being contracted and relaxed?

What are the events that influence the width of each of sarcomere when a muscle being contracted and relaxed

What occur during muscle relaxations?

Muscle tension declines, myosin releases thin filaments, and calcium levels in the sarcoplasm fall.

Peristalsis is example of what type of muscle?

Peristalsis is the contraction of the digestive muscles. Peristalsis is the contractions that occur in the smooth muscles of the body.

How is calcium used in the muscles and the neurons?

the chemically driven force behind contractions ...assist actin and myosin to connect so contraction can occur