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Peristalsis is the contraction of the digestive muscles. Peristalsis is the contractions that occur in the smooth muscles of the body.

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Q: Peristalsis is example of what type of muscle?
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Peristalsis the squeezing action of the digestive muscles is an example of this type of muscle?

the smooth muscle

What is the type of contraction that Peristalsis is seen in?

smooth muscle

Which type of muscle is responsible for peristalsis along to digestive tract?

smooth muscle

Peristalsis the squeezing action of the digestive muscle is an example of what type of muscle?

Smooth muscles. These muscles are not striated and are involuntary.

What type of muscle tissue found in the walls of the human stomach is most closely associated with the process of peristalsis?

smooth muscle.

What are the wave of muscle contractions that pushes food through the digestive system?

Smooth muscle in the walls of the digestive tract contract and form a movement called peristalsis.

Propulsive waves of smooth muscle contraction?

It is called peristalsis

What type of muscle cell is responsible for performing peristalsis?

Smooth muscle cells are responsible for performing peristalsis in the digestive tract. These cells have a unique structure that allows them to contract and relax in a coordinated manner, propelling food through the gastrointestinal system.

What type of muscle undergoes peristalsis?

Peristalsis involves circular smooth muscles and longitudinal smooth muscles in the effort to produce waves of contractions in a tube. This process is used in digestion to move the food (bolus) through the esophagus and the chyme (partially digested food) through the intestines.

What pushes food through the small intestine?

Intestines are lined with what are called smooth muscle tissue. These muscles differ primarily from the muscles attached, for example, to your joints in that their movement is rhythmic and involuntarily controlled. (The heart is another example of smooth muscle movement.) It is this rhythmic, involuntary contraction that moves food through the intestines.

What is the involuntary muscle action of alimentary canal?

The involuntary muscle action of the alimentary canal is called peristalsis. It uses this muscle action to move food through.

What muscular system is made up of cell that are long thin and pointed?

Smooth muscle, found in bowel for peristalsis for example