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Yes they are. Back in the 1930s they were not abandoned for any other reason, other than that governements (especially in Germany) wanted to turn investments into technologies that could be used in military applications and the airship was not one. Unfortunately for these types of industry, technical solutions are applied only if a greater mass of investments can flow in and that does not happen as it could threaten the interests of large multinational aircraft companies - it is a huge sector afterall.

Just think of it. An airship is no rocket science, in fact it is a technical achievement very easily reached even by relatively low-tech countries. A ballon and 4-5 motors, let it be fed with all the tech. you need, it will still be less expensive than the average aircraft. From there on maintenance costs are almost down a... simple motor maintenance (!!)... you need not costly airports, it can land anywere, it can thus be used just as a bus or a boat, it is much more environmentally friendly and can run with all-electric motors (or biodiesel alternatives etc.). In a few words it could be an idea solution for a developing country that wants to connect remote areas, avoiding helicopters which are both expensive and dangerous (are not for high mileage and frequent travelling). If speed is not a question then airships are a vey much valid solution.

Downturns are the low speed and the weather factor (strong winds affect them just like ships). Plus the maintenance hangar which has to be big enough but then in a country you only need to have 1 such center where airships go for maintenance, you do not need them in every place.

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Airships are also, and more commonly, known as zeppelins. The term airship is also used to refer to an airplane, but this usage is incorrect, as they have two different meanings. Airships might also be called blimps or dirigibles.

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What gas helps airships float?

the gas that helps airships is i hate you