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Q: Are Amazon tarantulas poisonous
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Is a tarantula poisonous?

no, tarantulas are venomous not poisonous venom needs to enter the blood stream poison needs to enter the digestive system you can eat tarantulas to your hearts content and while they may not be very tasty they won't poison you.

Did tarantula is poisonous like a cobra?

I think You meant IS the tarantula poisonous like a cobra. Well GUESS WHAT... THEY ARE POISONOUS! In fact all species of tarantulas are poisonous. The poison is not the same though people.

Are Mexican red knee tarantulas poisonous or non-poisonous?

These tarantulas are slightly venomous to humans, meaning their bite can be compared to the effects of a bee's sting.However, like bee stings, allergies can intensify the bite of a tarantula, meaning some people could die beacuse of it.

Are tarantulas harmless?

Mostly tarantulas are harmless to humans, but they can inflict a painful bite if provoked. The Sydney Funnel-Web Spider, which is poisonous, is not a tarantula. In addition to their fangs, tarantulas in the New World have what are called "urticating hairs", which they throw from their abdomens to fend off curious predators.

What spiders live in Amazon rainforest?

Brazilian wandering spider, Tarantulas, jumping spiders,

Are there spiders in the Amazon rainforest?

Yes, various species of spiders live in the Amazon rainforest - tarantulas being just one species.

Is tarantula poison?

no, tarantulas are venomous not poisonous venom needs to enter the blood stream poison needs to enter the digestive system you can eat tarantulas to your hearts content and while they may not be very tasty they won't poison you.

Are taranchulas poisonous?

noI've never hear of tranchulas, but true tarantulasare not deadly to humans. But the bite of some tarantulas can be very painful.

Are Tarantula's Poisonous?

Tarantulas are poisonous to some degree. Just like a bee sting, the effect of tarantula venom may vary from person to person. However, it is usually best to see a doctor if bitten by a tarantula. A tarantula bite can be very painful. Tarantulas use their venom to digest their food. This is why they can not be de-venomed as pets. Smaller spiders such as Black Widows and Brown Recluse are more dangerous and poisonous then the average large tarantula.