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Folklore suggests that if a single bumble bee enters your home it is a sign of good luck on the way. It is also said that if a bumblebee buzzes at your window, a visitor is coming. If the tail is red it will be a male, and if white, it will be a female.

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Q: Are Bumble Bees flying into your house good luck?
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Who eats the arctic bumble bee?

There is good evidence to suggest that mice are major predators on Bumble bees.

Do bumble bees pollinate fruits and foods?

Yes, but bumble bees form a minority of the pollinators. These big insects are not domesticated, and for good reason. We tend to like the little honey bees, which are thousands of times more populous. And let's not forget all the other insects as well as the variety of other fauna that pollinate what we eat and enjoy as scenery.

Is a swarm of bees good luck?

In many cultures, bees are considered to be good luck. Others believe that a swarm of bees on a house means that the house will soon catch fire and burn down.

What is good sentence with rhythm?

A good sentence for rhythm is in a poem like "sitting with the trees and with the flying bees

Are Bumble and Bumble shampoos organic products?

Some of the Bumble and Bumble shampoos are organic. Most of the Bumble and Bumble shampoos are not organic. The shampoo is very good for your hair but not all are environmentally sound.

Is it a good omen to have a honeybee hive in your house?

Having a honeybee hive in your house is generally not considered a good omen. It can pose risks to your health and property due to potential stings, damage, and attracting more pests. It's best to contact a professional beekeeper or pest control service to safely remove the hive.

Is it good or bad omen if bees come and make hive out side your house?

This can be a good or bad omen. If you don't like bees it is a bad omen however if you appreciate their role in nature it can be a good omen.

Is it good omen if bees come and make hive in your house?

In few customs like Thai and Japanese it is considered to be a good omen. But, in few societies it is not considered as a good omen. For further reading visit the related links.

Why are bees classified as 'social insects'?

Honey bees are 'social' insects because they live in 'societies' or colonies of many thousands of individuals, where each member of the colony performs different tasks for the greater good of the colony as a whole. Honey bees would be unable to survive without the rest of the colony. This is not true of all bees, some bumble bees live a less social life, living alone, or in very small groups.

What hair products do you use to keep it on good condition?

I use a leave-in and de-frizz by Bumble and Bumble and love it.

What are some good names for bumble bee pillow pets?

Bumble, Buzz, Bizzy, Beebee, Beatrice, etc.

Where can one find bumble products including bumble hair powder?

The company Bumble and Bumble produces high quality hair products coveted by many. To obtain their products you can visit their website. Sephora and Amazon are two other good sources for obtaining Bumble products.