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Another Answer:

A Christian is the one who believes in Jesus Christ and follows his teachings.

So a Catholic is a Christian.

A Catholic Answer:

The Catholic Church believes that Jesus Christ is Savior and Redeemer of mankind, that through His cross and resurrection, we hope to win eternal salvation. It would appear that some members of other sects are under the impression that if a person asks their friends to pray for them, and acknowledges a beloved pastor, then that person has thereby prevented the Redeemer of the World from saving them. But nowhere in The Bible does Jesus say any such thing. Catholics do not fabricate restrictions that Jesus never pronounced. Neither do Christians of other denominations. This is one of the things we have in common.


Roman Catholic AnswerYes, Catholic and Christian are two words for the same thing, unfortunately in the past several centuries, people have come to use the word, "Christian" to mean practically anything. This came about as protestants were calling themselves Christians because they worshipped Christ, at least as they had been taught. Catholics restrict the word "Christian" to members of the Church that Our Blessed Lord, Himself, founded. Others might be Christians insofar as they are validly baptized and believe in the Nicene Creed in its traditional interpretation, but this wild calling anybody a Christian because they use the word Christ is to be deplored. Anyone who has been validly baptized and believes in the Nicene Creed in its traditional interpretation is a member of the Catholic Church, except in an invisible and crippled manner. It is not helpful to think that just because you have called yourself a Christian your whole life, that you are then a member of the Church that Our Blessed Lord founded. This is a result of "don't hurt anybody's feelings" attitude common in society today. Not hurting people's feelings is hardly going to help them when they have to face Our Lord at the particular judgment when they die. Yes, Catholic and Christian are the same thing, but those who call themselves Christian and do not belong to the Catholic Church but another group founded by men should have a hard look at what they believe and why.
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Q: Are Catholic and Christian the same If not then what are the differences?
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Roman Catholic AnswerYour question makes no sense, the Catholic IS the Christian religion, they are the same thing. Our separated brethern (the protestants) sometimes use the word, "Christian" to mean "not Catholic". This is beyond ridiculous, and rather bigoted.