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Q: Are Chinese learning English languagr or Chinese language?
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What is English as a language?

English as a Secondary Language is a course for learning English for people who do not speak it as their primary language. It is a course for learning to speak the English language, given in a location where most people speak English, but some (mostly immigrants) have a need to learn it the way others in the US, for example, learn Spanish, Russian or Chinese.

Do Chinese Americans speak Chinese much?

Some Chinese Americans speak and learn a little of the Chinese language, but others just speak English as their first language. As being Chinese American myself, I say that I had to learn Chinese from my parents and Chinese school, while balancing those skills learning at normal schools (like talking English, instead of Chinese).

Why do Chinese people have a hard time learning English?

Chinese students tend to find the pronunciation of the "r" and "ph" sounds the hardest part of learning English. However, all students vary in their ability to learn a foreign language or anything else for that matter. You can't say Chinese as a race have difficulty learning English any more than you can say Americans have difficulty learning Arabic. In my experience many children in English speaking countries have difficulty learning English and often go right through the school system without ever learning it properly.

Is the Chinese language is international language?

It is the world's most used language, but mostly just within one country. English is used much more widely in an international sense. Also, Chinese is more difficult to learn. Chinese people are still learning their own language in high school (Middle School), but English speakers have generally already learned their language by that stage.

What language is spoken most English Chinese or spanish?

Definitely, english. Then, spanish and chinese.

What is the Chinese website Taisha used for?

The Chinese website Taisha provides TOEFL and ETS exams for English Language. Their main aim is to improve one's English writing and pronunciation. It is a leading website for learning English for people from China.

Is it important for Chinese kids to go to the English class?

English is a mandatory learning subject in China, and most of China's future economy will be based on foreigners who speaks the international language, English.

How is Chinese language different from the English language?

Chinese language is a tonal language with characters representing words or concepts, while English is an alphabetic language with an alphabet representing sounds to form words. Chinese does not have verb tenses or plurals, and relies on context for understanding, whereas English uses word order and grammar rules for clarity. Additionally, Chinese does not have articles (a, an, the) like English.

What language is the most popular?

English and Chinese as there is a huge Chinese population.

Do you speak English in Chinese?

Yes, I can communicate with you in English. Would you like to ask me something in Chinese?

Would somebody like to give me some suggestions about Chinese learning textbooks and daily dialogues?

Spoken Chinese of English and Chinese contrast is published in Beijing Language University Press, a very popular book to learn Chinese.

What will you give more important to learning English language?

What's more important than learning English is understanding why you need a language (not necessarily English).