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Q: Are Desert lynx cats hypoallergenic
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What cats live in the desert?

Desert Lynx & Sand Cat

Info on a highland lynx cat?

According to "Highland Lynx cats were developed by crossing two existing breeds--Desert Lynx cats and Jungle Curls. The primary foundation breed for Highland Lynx is the Desert Lynx. Outcrosses to the Jungle Curls were made specifically to add the unique curled ears to the cats. Essentially, Highland Lynx are Desert Lynx with curled ears. They are strong, muscular cats which are medium in length with longer hind legs, and toes may be tufted. They are very alert, intelligent cats. Males are larger than females and slower to mature. These cats come in both long and short hair."

What desert is the lynx found in?

The lynx is an animal of the taiga, not the desert.

What type of lynx cats are there?

there is Canada lynx , Eurasian lynx ,Iberian lynx and the bobcat.

Is Burmese a hypoallergenic breed for cats?


Are Manx hypoallergenic?

I had a Manx Siamese mix and I was not allergic to it. Is this possible?

Is a hypoallergenic cat mix still hypoallergenic?

well if the cat that the hypoallergenic cat is mixed with isn't hypoall. then the cat isn't hypoallergenic. if the mix includes all hypoall. cats then the cat is hypoallergenic.

Are Japanese bobtail cats hypoallergenic?

Japanese Bobtail cats are not a hypoallergenic breed of cat. They produce as much dander as any average domestic cat.

Are Havana brown cats hypoallergenic?

No, Havana Brown cats are not considered hypoallergenic. While no cat breed is completely hypoallergenic, some breeds may produce fewer allergens than others, but Havana Browns are not typically known for being hypoallergenic. Allergies to cats are usually triggered by proteins in their saliva, dander, and urine, rather than their fur.

What do these cats look like Canadian Lynx and Spanish Lynx?

I really dont know.

What is difference between lynx and house cats?

A lynx is bigger than a house cat.

What is another name for the desert lynx?
