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Some are corporate owned, but most are franchises.

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Q: Are Dodge Dealerships owned directly by the corporation?
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Is Jeep owned by Dodge?

No, Jeep is part of the Chrysler Corporation.

Wo owns dodge?

The Dodge brand of cars and trucks is owned by the Chrysler Corporation as of 2014. The Dodge brand has been available since 1914.

Who is a corporation owned by?

A corporation is owned by its stockholders.

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They are a family owned corporation.

When the 1 st dodge truck made?

In 1914, Dodge made a half-ton Panel Van, but no actual pick-up truck. In 1921, Dodge began selling Graham 1.5 ton pickups, which were Graham bodies, using Dodge parts and sold through Dodge dealerships. By 1926, Dodge owned Graham, so after that, Dodge trucks were technically all Dodge produced.

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UAL corporation once owned Hertz and Hilton Suman Gupta

What type corporation are owned by stockholders?

All corporations are owned by stockholders. Every corporation is required to issue stock.

What is the difference between a public corporation a private corporation and a crown corporation?

"Public Corporation" can refer to a corporation that offers shares on the public market, or it can refer to a corporation that is owned by the government. Similarly, "Private Corporation" can refer to any corporation that is not government owned, or a corporation that does not list its shares on public share markets. A "crown corporation" is one that is owned by the government. This term is more widely used in UK, some Commonwealth countries and other monarchies.

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What is the ownership of a corporation?

It is owned by stockholders.