

Are Greek's Jewish

Updated: 11/10/2022
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13y ago

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The 14,000 Greek Jews are. The rest of them, being followers of other faiths, are not.

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Yivonim (Greeks).

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Jewish Holocaust deaths in Greece?

About 54,000 Jewish Greeks were victims of the Holocaust. Most of them were transported out of Greece to other camps.

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It is Hanukkah, which commemorates the victory of the Jews against religious persecution from the Greeks.

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The Maccabim (Maccabees), also called the Chashmonaim (Hasmoneans)

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Hanukkah is a minor Jewish holiday that commemorates the victory of the Jews against the Syrian-Greeks in the Maccabean War of 165 BCE. During the war, the Ancient Temple in Jerusalem was overrun by the Syrian-Greeks. After the war, it was fixed and rededicated.

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The Hasmoneans (Hashmonaim).

Why did the Hebrew priests and prophets think the Greeks were dangerous?

Because they outlawed Jewish practice and persecuted the Jews.

Who were the people who seized control of judah and eventually made it a crime to observe Jewish laws or study the Torah?

the Greeks

Are Jews and Greeks the same thing?

No, these are two different groupings, except for the few Jewish Greeks and the ethnic Greeks in other countries who are Jewish. Being Jewish relates primarily to a religion. Being Greek relates primarily to an ethnic background or national identity. There are about 5,000 Jews in Greece out of a Greek population of 11 million and a world Jewish population of 14 million. Historically, the Jews of Greece had unique traditions and were not considered to be Ashkenazi or Sephardi, but Romaniote. With the Spanish Inquisition, many Sephardi Jews came to Greece, overwhelming the Romaniote population, but a vibrant community of Romaniote Jews remained until the Holocaust nearly extinguished it.

What is the importance of Hanukkah Passover and yom kippur?

Hanukkah is a minor Jewish holiday that commemorates the victory of the Jews against the Syrian-Greeks in the Maccabean War of 165 BCE.Passover is a major Jewish holiday that commemorates the Exodus from Egypt.Yom Kippur is the holiest annual Jewish holiday. It is the day of atonement.

What nationality were the earliest Christians?

Jewish, some being Samaritans and Hellenists. This was soon followed by Greeks (or Gentiles). This is recorded in the book of Acts in the New Testament.