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No. Green is just the color of the eggs and has no nutritional impact on the actual content of the eggs.

All eggs start out as white. The colors are introduced to the eggs in different stages.

Blue eggs get their color from oocyanin, a blue pigment that's deposited on the egg while it's going through the oviduct. Oocyanin permeates throughout the entire shell (so if you crack a blue egg open, you can see that it's also blue on the inside).

The color from brown eggs come from depositing protoporphyrin pigment in the last stages of egg-laying. This pigment does not permeate through the shell, so the pigment is actually able to be rubbed off.

Green egg layers result from brown egg layers being crossed with blue egg layers. The brown pigment layers over the blue pigment to make a green egg.

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Yes, I do like green eggs and ham.

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No I do not, Sam I am, I do not like green eggs and ham!

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