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No. The Siamese Fighting Fish is an artificial hybrid and as such does not exist in nature. The ancestor species that were uses to create the various types of fighting fish, called pla-kad, are native to the rice paddies of Thailand, Malaysia, and Cambodia.

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Q: Are Japanese fighting fish native to japan?
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Where do Japanese fighting fish come from?


What country do betta fish live in?

I has fore bettas so bettas live in the us cause I do Answer: Well in addition to that answer, Betta's are native to Japan which is where the name "Japanese Fighting Fish" came from.

What is the scientific name for Japanese fighting fish?

'Japanese fighting fish' 'Chinese fighting fish' 'Siamese fighting fish' and 'Betta' are all names given to the 'Betta splendens'.

What animals are in Japan?

There are many animals in Japan such as bears & fish and tortoises. One famous native animal is the Japanese macaque monkey.

What do I do if my Japanese fighting fish has a big stomach?

There are no fighting fish that come from Japan. I think you are asking about the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens). They do naturally have a round stomach almost like a ball. That is their body shape.

How do you say Japanese Fighting fish in French?

Japanese fighting fish are called 'des combattants' or 'des poissons combattants' in French.

Where does the fighting fish live?

The fighting fish was origionally native to the rice paddies of Thailand and Cambodia

What is Japan's sacred fish?

The Betta and Siameese Fighting Fish

Do Japanese Fighting Fish have teeth?

The fish you are refering to as a "Japanese fighting fish" does not exist. There are no fighting fish that come from Japan. Japan is a cold country not a tropical one. The Koi Carp were developed in Japan. The fish I THINK you mean is the "Siamese fighting fish" more correctly the "Betta splendens". Yes they do fight but only the males fight and they will only fight against another male of the same species.

How do you say blue fighting fish in Japanese?

青いベタ /a oi be ta/ would mean 'blue betta/fighting fish' in Japanese.

Does Japanese fighting fish have bony body?

No not really

Are there any Japanese fighting fish that you can keep with other cold water fish?

no. they are tropical fish.