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Jehovah's Witnesses are not perfect and do not claim to be. They do however attempt to be Christlike in word and deed and to display positive qualities. This should be the case whether they are engaged in public ministry or not. While it would of course defeat the purpose of their preaching work to come to someone's door and be aggressive unpleasant or offensive, most Jehovah's Witnesses honestly do their best in every aspect of their lives to be as Christ would expect.

ANSWER (From a JW)

It depends on the person - most Jehovah's Witnesses I know are very nice people both in the ministry and outside of it. I try my best to be nice as much as possible, not trying to find the bad in people. If I do, I just keep my mouth shut! This may not be the views of every JW, though to be totally honest there aren't many that will get on your bad side! We're very peaceful/don't go to war/and are advised not to get into conflicts.

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Q: Are Jehovah Witnesses truly nice people or they just nice to convert you?
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What jehovah's witnesses believe happen to truly evil people when they die?

I an a Jehovah's Witness. We do not believe there are truly evil people other then the devil and the demons. people who are not good and do horrible things, they do not get to go to heaven or paradise.

Has owl city studied with Jehovah's Witnesses?

Some of his songs certianly do magnify Jehovah's creation, so I can see why you might think he has studied with Jehovah's people, but truly, I do not know the answer to your question. Perhaps you could write and ask him.

How much does it cost to become baptized a Jehovah's witness?

Jehovah's witnesses charge no fees or costs for 1 to be baptised. But someone who is ready for baptism (who has studies the bible with Jehovah's witnesses, and for themselves) and who has applied scriptual council... etc. And truly understands what it means to serve Jehovah are baptised... free of charge.

Who was the first Jehovah's Witness?

The modern day history of Jehovah's Witnesses started with Charles Taze Russell. .The name for the organization was adopted in 1931.According to Isaiah 43 v 10, prior to this date, the Jewish people were referred to as "God's (Jehovah) witnesses" - "Ye [are] My witnesses, an affirmation of Jehovah [...]" (Youngs Literal Translation) - and Jehovah's Witnesses today believe the name can be applied to all God's servants past and present including Jesus Christ.

Can Jehovah witness perform wedding of non Jehovah witness?

No they can't. Unless one of the couple is studying with the Jehovah's Witness and is with a spouse while not married. If the person is truly sure of baptizing as a Jehovah's Witness then the only way to do it is by the person getting married to be able to get baptized as a now Jehovah's Witness and not sin in Jehovah God's eyes.

What is everyones take on Jehovah's Witnesses?

Jehovah's Witnesses are, as a whole, one of the greatest group of human beings on the planet. They are honest, trustworthy, selfless, meek and truly strive to be the living example Jesus Christ set while on earth.Opinion 2Jehovah's Witnesses are honest, family orientated, hardworking godly people that take their faith seriously and keep out of politics. Those that actually have friends and family that are Jehovah's Witnesses often testify to their good character and honesty.The New Encyclopædia Britannica speaking of Jehovah's Witnesses that they "insist upon a high moral code in personal conduct."Some quotations**"Many people don't know them well enough, or maybe we are all simply too quick to judge. I know I was. And I found out I was wrong;" Jounalist Cecile Feyling - Jydske Vestkysten**"Jehovah's Witnesses teach their children moral qualities to respect the authorities, other individuals and their property and to be law abiding citzens" -- ed. The History of Relgion in Ukraine, Professor Petro Yarotskyi**A "dedicated people" -- Archdeacon of Cheltenham, Church of England (The Gazette, Gloucester Dioceses)**"An orderly religion. They know what worshipping God means;" -- Comercio de Franca

Is Rebbie Jackson still one of Jehovah's witnesses?

Yes She is. In fact she has been regular Pioneering for almost 20 years.She is truly one of our dearest sister in the truth.

Can a Jehovah witness date someone who is studying the faith?

There are many different type of Christianity based religions. Jehovah's Witnesses are one themselves. Being a christian is basically about believing that Christ was alive, and that he did come to earth at one point in time. The difference about Jehovah's witnesses and some other Christians is that Jehovahs witnesses believe that Christ was Jehovah's son, not God himself. And so, to answer your question, Jehovahs witnesses do not date girls or boys from different religions, Christian or not. If someone were to be in a relationship with a person who has a different god, it would almost be like he believes in that god as well. If a witness were to date a girl or boy of a different religion, it would be because he or she is not truly worshiping Jehovah.

Why don't people want to hear what Jehovah's Witnesses want to say?

AnswerA lot of people are influenced by what they hear second (or third hand) from others about Jehovah's Witnesses. Although most people that know witnesses personally usually find them amiable, they are often negatively portrayed by the media. In some communities, religious leaders have commanded their flock to turn Jehovah's Witnesses away if they come in contact with them. Also, since the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses differ in many ways from what those of other "Christian" denominations, people sometimes presume they have "strange" and unorthodox beliefs, and allow this to influence whether they will give them a listening ear, perhaps unaware that all of Jehovah's witnesses will clearly show them scriptural reasons from whatever Bible a person owns.So while some have thoroughly investigated Jehovah's Witnesses' beliefs and disagree with their position, the vast majority are simply lacking true knowledge and totally unaware of what Jehovah's Witnesses really believe.Indeed, some have falsely been told that Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christian (because they believe Jesus is God's son, not equal to Almighty God himself) or that they don't honor Jesus and thus have become prejudiced against them.Some people do not want to listen to Jehovah's Witnesses because they think the group follows some 'cult leader' and are unaware that JEHOVAH, is actually the name of God (See Psalm 83: 16 King James Version).In any case, many view the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses stand out as different from the majority of traditional religions with profound distrust. Reasoning that they preach a "false doctrine," such ones thus decide not listen to them at all.Not everyone is spiritually inclined or interested in biblical or religious matters; their message does not appeal to all people. While some would reject any religious discussion because they find religion objectionable, others take exception to their methods of spreading their beliefs, viewing their public preaching and teaching work as making public something that should be kept private. (See Acts 20: 20; Matthew 28: 19, 20.)So while thousands deeply appreciate Jehovah's Witnesses as one of the only groups, on a truly international scale, that in obedience to Jesus command, attempt to spread the Bible's message of "good news of good things to come," others decide to refuse to listen for one or more of the above reasons.It is also worth noting that the reception true Christians are to expect is foretold in scripture. Jesus predicted that some would want to listen to his followers and others, for various reasons, would flatly refuse. (See Matthew 10: 14; 2 Timothy 3:12) Since Jesus himself was slandered and accused of working with the devil, it would be, according to Jesus' own words, no surprise, that his followers would undergo similar treatment.For a list of what Jehovah's Witnesses preach, click on the LINK below.AnswerAnother reason many people choose not to hear what the Jehovah's Witnesses have to say includes a number or all of the following. People listen to what the Witnesses say personally and read both their Bible version and their teachings. Then as they ought to they compare this all with the true word of God as taught by their preferred church teachers. As a result these people quite rightly come to the conclusion myself among them, that Jehovah's Witnesses are teaching falsely in terms of not presenting what the Bible truly teaches about all kinds of things and particularly the truth about who Jesus Christ is and the true way of salvation.It is precisely because people have understood what the Jehovahs Witnesses have said and taught that their false teaching is rejected by those who love the Lord Jesus and want to do His will as they perceive it. They know that no angel can save them but almighty God can.There is also a missive difference between the persecution experienced by Christians and that received by Jehovah's Witnesses who rightly deserve rebuke for their tampering with God's truthwhereas God's saints suffer for righteousness sake. The two are two entirely different things God's word in fact commands Christians to not heed those who bring false doctrine such as the brought Jehovah's Witnesses nor to bid them God speed.At the same time all true Christians should elcome discussion with Jehovah's Witnesses who are willing to come as many have. Christians also recognize that Jehovah's Witnesses can not legitimately claim to have been subject to persecution as Christians no matter how much they may wish to call it such. They receive kind treatment from all true Christians who wish, if possible, to turn them to the truth and most people do not.

Will Jehovah forgive if you have committed serious sin?

if you are truly repentant :)

Where is Jehovah's Witnesses' Cultural Hearth?

By "cultural hearth," I am assuming you mean the center from which our manner of conduct and standards are derived. If that is the case, our cultural hearth is the Bible. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God, and instead of adhering to a creed based on human tradition, we hold to the Bible as the standard for all our beliefs. It is also sets the standard for our conduct, and therefore, our culture. This is not to say that we do not have our own individual cultures. Jehovah's Witnesses are a truly worldwide organization, and so depending on where a person lives, they may dress according to the culture of their society, eat according to that same culture, appreciate music and dance according to that culture, and have certain customs of that culture. But, as far as our beliefs, manner of conduct, and standards are concerned, Jehovah's Witnesses use the Bible as our guide. For further reading click on RELATED LINKS(below)

Where is the Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses in Dubai?

I may not know any of their names are but I am definitely sure there are JWs in that country. Even in countries (like Singapore) where the JWs are banned from performing their Christian duties to "preach the good news of the kingdom" has Jehovah's Witnesses. It is a fulfillment of the prophesy written in Matthew 24:14.