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Juvenile polyps (polyps in children) are usually benign and often outgrow their blood supply and disappear at puberty

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Q: Are Juvenile polyps benign
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Related questions

What are Juvenile polyps?

They are polyps in children

Are Rectal polyps benign?

They may be either benign or malignant

Can benign polyps cause occult blood in stool?


Do rectal cancers come from polyps?

90% of colon and rectal cancers arise from polyps that are initially benign

What are polyps in the larynx?

Polyps refer to a small growth, usually benign and with a stalk, protruding from a mucous membrane of the larynx. Treatment starts with voice therapy and followed by voice rest.

What are the cause of hemicolectomy?

The procedure is relatively common for treating diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, benign or malignant polyps of the colon, and colon cancer.

What is Echogenic foci in gallbladder fossa?

Echogenic foci in the gallbladder are usually small polyps. They can be seen on an ultrasound and are often benign.

What is gallbladder cholestorolosis or polyps?

Growths or lesiions on the wall of the gallblader. Small ones are usually benign but larger ones can become cancerous.

What is definition of cervical polyps?

A cervical polyp is a common tumor, normally benign, which is found on the surface of the cervical canal. Though there are usually no symptoms associated with these polyps, they can cause irregular menstrual bleeding in some women. Removal of a cervical polyp is a simple medical procedure.

What is the connection between polyps and colon cancer?

Polyps are abnormal growths that can occur in various parts of the body, including the colon (large intestine). While most polyps are benign (non-cancerous), some types of polyps, particularly adenomatous polyps, have the potential to develop into colon cancer over time. Here's the connection between polyps and colon cancer: Adenomatous Polyps: Adenomatous polyps are a type of polyp that can develop in the lining of the colon or rectum. These polyps are considered precancerous because they contain cells that have the potential to become cancerous over time. Adenomatous polyps are the most common type of polyp associated with the development of colon cancer. Progression to Cancer: If adenomatous polyps are left untreated, they may continue to grow and develop genetic mutations that can lead to the transformation of normal cells into cancerous cells. Over time, some adenomatous polyps can progress to become colon cancer. The risk of progression to cancer depends on factors such as the size, number, and histology (cellular characteristics) of the polyps. Screening and Prevention: The detection and removal of adenomatous polyps through screening tests such as colonoscopy can help prevent the development of colon cancer. During a colonoscopy, if adenomatous polyps are found, they can be removed (polypectomy) before they have the opportunity to become cancerous. Regular screening for colon cancer is recommended for individuals at average risk, typically starting at age 50, or earlier for those with certain risk factors. Other Types of Polyps: While adenomatous polyps are the primary concern for colon cancer development, other types of polyps, such as hyperplastic polyps and inflammatory polyps, are typically benign and do not have a significant risk of progressing to cancer. However, some rare types of polyps, such as serrated polyps, may also have a small risk of developing into colon cancer.

Large growth inside of your nostril?

growths inside the nostril are a common sign of nasal polyps. these growths are benign and are quite common. But just to be sure, the growths should be evaluated by your doctor

When a benign tumor is removed and nerves are cut from the mouth will all feeling be gone?

Normally only in the area directly effected. this writer had nasal polyps removed in about l979 with, thankfully, no complications.