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Q: Are Legislators are the only source of ideas for laws?
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Application of the Talmud today?

The Talmud is the source of the details of the Jewish laws, since in the Torah these laws are stated mostly only in brief.

What is the best online source of the best ideas for gifts?

This site has a variety of items, and categorize it. (Think about the person and their tastes) Not only that, they have external links which (some) have free shipping. You can also buy a USED source or a NEW source for only a few dollars more.

What are the differences between a federal judge and a member of congress?

Federal judges differ from legislators because the legislative group Makes laws. The judicial branch of government Makes sure the laws are consistent in the constitution. So the difference if that legislators make laws and the courts make sure the laws are consistent

What is the Theory of law?

John Austin's "Command Theory" is a concept of law that holds that law is nothing more than a 'command' backed by threat, and is meant to be ubiquitous in its application. Austin believed that every legal system had to have a 'sovereign' who creates the law while at the same time the sovereign is not subject to it. The sovereign is the only source of the 'commands' and the sovereign is not subject to commands by others.Arguments against this theory state that this is an inaccurate description of law, noting that laws may have several sources and the legislators who enact them are also subject to the same laws they create.

What is the base salary for Texas State Senator?

State legislators are paid meager salaries. Senators and representatives alike earn only $7,200 per year, or $14,400 for a two-year legislative period. Some may consider this salary generous, since after all legislators work only for 140 days over two years. However, this salary equals just slightly over $100 per day. Even if our legislators worked only eight hours per day, this would equal only $12.86 per hour for the people who make our state laws and conduct oversight of executive branch offices. The truth is that legislators work for many days leading up to the legislative session, and then work very long hours, seven days a week, once the session begins. Furthermore, legislators spend a lot of time campaigning for office and subsequently servicing constituents. This reduces hourly compensation to well below minimum wage. For more information, visit the University of Texas at the Related Link.

If you are making several quotations from a long passage of source material you will need to?

A) Reintroduce the source whenever you use it, no matter how closely together the quotations lie. B) Cite the source of every quoted passage C) Cite the source of every quoted passage unless a single final citation will lead the reader to all the quoted material D) Use quotation marks around all passages copied verbatim from the source ((Answer) E) Certainly C and D, but A and B only if the reader would otherwise be confused about your use of another's ideas or the source of the ideas.

What provides information and ideas supporting only one point of view?

A biased source provides information and ideas supporting only one point of view. This can lead to an incomplete or skewed perspective on a topic. It is important to seek out multiple sources to gain a well-rounded understanding.

What do state legislators do when they are not in session?

Bcs state legislative sessions run only a few months, its like a part-time.

How easy is it to get a copyright on your ideas material or design?

Ideas cannot be protected by copyright, only the expression of the ideas.

What would happen if the sun was the only source of light?

It is the only source of light!