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No, they are not the same thing, although Good Friday is sometimes considered as part of Lent. Lent is the period of 40 days (Sundays not included) between Ash Wednesday and the Easter Triduum and commemorates the 40 days Our Lord spent fasting and praying in the desert before he began his public ministry. Good Friday commemorates Our Lord's passion and crucifixion.

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Q: Are Lent and Good Friday the same thing?
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Why did Good Friday fall in March in 2008?

Good Friday fell early this year because of the method of calculating the time of Passover. Good Friday, because it is the Friday before Easter Saturday, and coincides with the Jewish Pasch (Passover) has to be calculated using a Lunar calendar. This year is the earliest Good Friday and Lent for about 150 years, and Good Friday will not occur this early again for about the same ammount of time.

Does Lent happen at the same time every year?

No. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes the day after Good Friday (part of Easter). As Easter is timed to occur on the first Sunday after the full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) following the northern hemisphere's vernal equinox, it is not fixed in relation to the normal yearly calendar and the date of lent therefore moves each year.

When is Good Friday in Israel?

Good Friday is celebrated by Christians everywhere in the world on the same day. In 2014, that's April 18th.

Is Good Friday celebrated in Spain?

Same as here if they are Christian.

Why should one not eat meat on Good Friday?

Because pork is meat and we abstain from meat on Fridays of Lent as a sacrifice and memorial of Jesus' death on Friday. We also fast for the same reason.Answer 2:The above answer is not the case at all for all Christians. Catholics are quite strict about rules, but the Reformation hundreds of years ago meant that Protestant churches did not need to enforce such rules any longer. There are no limits at all to what people can eat on Good Friday, but it is a matter of personal choice. Some people are perfectly comfortable eating pork, and it is not against their church's teachings, but others may not be comfortable - and that is their choice.

When does lent end for lutherns 2011?

Lent ends the same day every year. Easter Sunday

Are the Passover and Good Friday on the same day?

Of course it does; hence the name Good Friday Easter Sunday, for Catholics and Protestants, is the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 20 (which is the placeholder date used for the Spring Equinox in these rather ancient calculations.) Good Friday is two days before, potentially on the full moon or slightly before it. Easter ends the season of Lent, which lasts 40 days from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday.

What is Good Friday in Germany?

exactly the same as in England and it is spelt 'inc salmo seaslou'!

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if it is Friday on your ds clock it will appear in velley windworks does the same thing in diamond and platinum

How is Easter and lent the same?

in both we honor god.

Do the people of Afghanistan do Lent for God or even Jesus?

The majority of Afghanistan is Muslim, therefore they do not do Lent. Muslims do not do the same practices as Christians.

Are lint and Lent pronounced the same?

No. Lint is pronounced with a short i like ick , and Lent is pronounced with a short e like bent.