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No not all mexicans are descendants of the aztec people some are myan i myself is mexican and i am a descendent of the aztecs but no not all mexicans are aztecs just remember of the myans

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As a whole group, no. However, there are Mexicans of Chinese origin. See related links.

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Q: Are Mexicans descendants of Chinese
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What country do Mexicans come from?

Well it depends on the ethnicity. just like here in the U.S we have Chinese, Japanese, Jews, blacks. ect.... something over in Mexico or well in any country. but REAL Mexicans are the descendants of natives and Europeans Mostly from Spain.

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Are Mexicans descended from the Aztecs?

The word 'Aztec' was created by an American writing a book, to separate or distinguish the older generation of Mexicans from the current ones. "Aztecs" in actuality called them selves Mexicas. Mexicans today and Mexicans of the past have the same relation as Ancient Chinese and Modern Chinese. Now obviously Mexicans can be of any race. As a black person who is a Chinese citizen is also Chinese. But reguarding racial ethnicity, yes.

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All types of people like Chinese food. Mexicans tend to like spicy food and different flavors and Chinese food meets that criteria.

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Some mexicans like chinese food

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Because of Yellow Emperor's many great accomplishments, all Chinese consider themselves the descendants of Yellow Emperor.

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How does rice make Chinese and Mexican cultures similar?

because chinese and mexicans both eat and use rice in their cultures.

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Chinese food Thats messed up because I love chinese food and im mexicano -_-

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Most of Mexico's people are either descendants of natives converted to Catholicism by the Spaniards in the 16th century, descendants of Catholic Spaniards who came to colony from the 16th-19th centuries, or a mix of both. It is not so much that Mexicans today are joining the Catholic church as they were already grandfathered in.

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African Descendants 90% East Indians Chinese White

What group currently makes up the largest portion of immigrants in the US?

C. Mexicans