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Definitely not...

Stratus clouds are formed by the gradual overrunning of warm over cold air, and are very smooth with limited vertical extent. Light, steady precipitation falls from them (nimbo means it is precipitating).

To get a thunderstorm, you need rapidly rising air which manifests itself in vertically-developed clouds called cumulus.

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Q: Are Nimbostratus clouds are assocaiated with thunderstorms?
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Are thunderstorms associated with nimbostratus clouds?

No. Thunderstorms are associated with cumulonimbus clouds.

What is the difference between nimbostratus clouds and stratus clouds?

Well,Nimbostratus clouds carry thunderstorms,rain, and possibly snow.As stratus is just another name for fog and do not hold anything.Hope this helped!!!

Do thunderstorms and tornadoes come from nimbostratus clouds?

No. Thunderstorms form from cumulonimbus clouds, and tornadoes form from thunderstorms. Cucmulonimbus clouds develop in highly unstable atmosphere, while nimbo stratus indicates a fairly stable atmosphere.

Which group of clouds produce rain?

The names of the groups of clouds that can produce rain are nimbostratus and cumulonimbus. The nimbostratus clouds are the ones we see that become very dark and produce a lot of rain or snow. The cumulonimbus clouds are responsible for lighter rain and thunderstorms.

What are the names of thick clouds?

Cumulonimbus and nimbostratus are examples of thick clouds. Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with thunderstorms and have a towering appearance, while nimbostratus clouds are often found in overcast skies and bring prolonged precipitation.

What cloud makes thunderstorms?

Cumulonimbus clouds make thunderstorms. Thunder and lightning can also occur in volcanic ash clouds, sandstorms and smoke from violent forest fires.

What clouds would form rain?

Clouds that include the name "nimbus" tend to be the ones that create precipitation. Nimbostratus clouds create falling rain and snow, while cumulonimbus clouds are associated with thunderstorms.

Do produce rain or snowcumulonimbus and nimbostratus clouds?

Nimbostratus clouds cannot produce rain.

What are high grayish clouds called?

the clouds that bring rain are usally cumulonimbus clouds

Does nimbostratus mean thunderstorms?

Sometimes but rarely

What are the cousins of the cumulus clouds?

nimbostratus clouds

Is A Stratus Cloud A Nimbostratus Cloud?

No. A Stratus Cloud is just a cloud that spreads around the sky. Nimbostratus clouds are the same thing but Nimbostratus clouds have thunder storms in them.